
The African Peace Center (APC) is committed to promoting peace and reconciliation throughout Africa and across the globe, understanding that peace at home requires peace abroad. We recognize the untapped human and ecological resources in each African country, and aim to establish a vibrant and flourishing Africa by securing stability across the region. We are driven by the belief that free from conflicts, Africa can overcome poverty, disease, and illiteracy, ushering in a golden era of prosperity.


The APC has a three pronged approach to develop peace throughout the African region. It begins with grasping the deep cultural forces at play in each particular African region, and the unique solutions needed to meet the challenges. We operate through a set of three interconnected approaches, each level building on the succeeding one. Finding solutions does not go far enough, we are dedicated to carrying out their implementation to make this vision a reality.

Political Level — A politically stable African continent is necessary to peace across the region. In this vein, we bring together Africa’s current and future leaders to engage in dialogue and reflection to explore ways to rid Africa of conflicts and violence and secure lasting reconciliation. We involve scholars of African studies to engage in these discussions of mediation, negotiation, track-two diplomacy, and traditional African peacemaking culture.

Sociological Level — Peace cannot be achieved without understanding the complex sociological factors at play. Pursuant to this, the APC acts as a research center dealing with conflict prevention and management, diving deeply into the tribal and eldership system as a source for solutions. Tooled with such research, we further educate the public about these issues, engaging with the relevant parties on the ground.

Economic Level — Sustainable economic growth and vitality is critical to the ensuring a long-lasting peace. To achieve this, we encourage investment into the African region, engaging with businesses and investors both within Africa and beyond. The APC revitalizes the region, bringing to light the economic opportunities that form a critical component in developing a stable and successful African continent.

Who We Are

The APC is an initiative of the 501(c)(3) tax exempt Institute of Semetic Studies. The APC is led by Dr. Ephraim Isaac, a world renowned scholar who has been engaged in peace efforts in Africa for decades. Along with Dr. Isaac, the APC is made up of community leaders with a wide range of expertise.

The APC is located in Princeton, NJ, situated in close proximity to Princeton University, the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Educational Testing Service (ETS.) The APC benefits from interaction with these institutions and visiting scholars for study and research.